WAEML is proud to host a weekly Women’s Supper in Midlothian in collaboration with Children 1st, Midlothian Health & Social Care Partnership, Health in Mind and MELDAP
What is Women’s Supper?
A drop in run by a collaboration of agencies working within Midlothian that supports women to:
• Have a cup of tea/coffee and a meal in a supportive, safe and women only space
• Find out about local services
• Build confidence and reduce feelings of loneliness
The Women’s supper and its activities are free and provided by agencies working in Midlothian.
Who is Women’s Supper for?
- • Women
• Are resident in Midlothian
• Could benefit from support with homelessness (or at risk of homelessness), mental health, substance use and experience of past or current trauma and/or abuse
Women are welcome to bring their child(ren) aged 12 years and younger. There is a space with activities for children to play.
The supper club is delivered in Dalkeith Library and Arts Centre, 2 White Hart Street, Dalkeith, EH22 1AE.
Children’s sessions are held in the main hall. The supper takes place in the Art Exhibition Hall.
Do women require referral?
No. Women’s Supper is a drop-in.
You can find out information from any of the agencies who provide Women’s Supper.
How it works
Women’s supper runs every week on a Thursday evening from 4.30 – 6.30pm. Tea, coffee, and a meal are available.