Incidents of domestic abuse in Scotland have risen by four per cent in the last recorded year – this has been the case for the fourth year in a row. The Scottish Government today released data that shows Police Scotland recorded 62,907 domestic abuse incidents throughout 2019-20.

The Scottish Government bulletin notes that common assault was the most frequently recorded crime or offence where statistics were gathered and domestic abuse accounted for 34 per cent of all crimes overall.
In 88 per cent of cases, incidents occurred in a home or a dwelling, with perpetrators using the victim’s home as the most common place to abuse.
Midlothian and East Lothian are included in the areas with the highest rates of domestic abuse per population of 10,000.
Women subjected to male violence made up the majority of the victim population (82% of all cases).
This continued prevalence of domestic abuse is concerning and it is worth noting that this data only takes us one week into the coronavirus pandemic where we know that abusers took advantage of the Covid restrictions that were put into place.
If you or someone you know is being subjected to domestic abuse you can contact us directly for help. Our support lines are open Monday – Friday, 9am – 4pm. Outwith our business hours you can contact the Scottish Domestic Abuse and Forced Marriage Helpline on 0800 027 1234.
Julie Watson, Chief Executive Officer
PIc by Laura Dodsworth